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Governor Locks Down Oregon Until July 6th 

How long will democrat governors keep their states locked down and decimate their economies? That’s a question that can’t be answered because the dates keep getting changed, some extending stay-at-home orders well into the summer. Currently, the Oregon governor has decided that her state is on lockdown until July 6th [1]but that date can always be moved to August or September. Or maybe until after the presidential election. 

With only 104 COVID-19 deaths in her state and a ranking of 40th in coronavirus deaths, Democratic Oregon Governor Kate Brown says that the coronavirus “continues to threaten public health and safety.” 

So 4.14 million Oregon residents are still required to shelter-in-place. Whatever happened to flattening the curve? Regardless of whether the curve is flattened or not, democrat governors like Brown and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer continue to keep orders in place that are going to flatten people’s jobs and livelihoods, not to mention their mental health. 

Just like many other stay-at-home orders, Brown has prohibited non-essential gatherings [2]of any size if six feet distances can’t be maintained; no non-essential travel; no operation of senior centers, bowling alleys, theaters, malls, bars and more; closing of public campgrounds and playgrounds; closing of childcare facilities; and many other places. Businesses will be forcibly closed if they fail to comply with her orders. 

Meanwhile, Oregon, just like many other states, are in the middle of historical unemployment [3]. One of out of six jobs has been wiped out in Oregon and some workers haven’t received their unemployment or stimulus checks yet. Don’t worry though. Oregon has their priorities straight. They’re discussing letting approximately 500 prisoners out of jail [4]

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on May 4, 2020. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [5] and is used by permission.