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Petition Demands Cheerleaders Be Cut from Team for Posing With “I Love Redneck Boys” T-Shirt with Confederate Flag

As first reported by Fox News [1] several high school cheerleaders in Alabama are in hot water for posing with a t-shirt that reads “I love redneck boys” and brandishes a heart filled with the confederate flag.

The photo was seen online and sparked outrage with certain members of the community. Now,  a local petition calling for the girls to be kicked off the cheerleading team has reached 1,000 signatures.

In fact, one cheerleader, Reagan Coleman, quit the squad immediately upon seeing the photo.  Coleman, a black student, and her mother spoke to the press about the photo with disgust.

“I have since quit the team due to their carelessness and inactivity,” she wrote. “Daphne’s Administration team has failed to release any statements or contact anyone back concerning this matter.”

She further stated that the school has a history of “keeping things like this hidden,” and that “these girls need to face consequences for their actions.”

Her mother Latitah said “the first thing I thought was how bold of them…You cheer for black football players, you cheer for black basketball players, and you cheer with two black cheerleaders on your side and this is what you put up.”

The school board responded by issuing a statement, which in part read:

“We are aware of the situation and it has been handled at the local school level. As with any student issue, federal law prohibits us from discussing disciplinary actions, if any, involving our students.”

“Our system has implemented sensitivity programs and Superintendent Tyler has stressed that we have a zero-tolerance for racism and bullying in our system,” the statement added.