- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

WATCH: Antifa/BLM protest ‘Back the Blue’ rally, police swarm like angry bees

Among the litany of Antifa/BLM protests transpiring around our beloved United States, one in Winnebago County, Illinois on August 1st derailed after two local cops took custody of an Antifa activist who apparently crossed the legal line. Not sure why the arrest was made, but it was small potatoes compared to what was about to burst like a volcano’s mouth.

While walking their uncuffed perpetrator from a vastly open all-concrete compound in front of the Winnebago County Justice Center, the duo of police officers were surrounded by Antifa/BLM cohorts who closed in to impede the perp walk (obstructing justice) and somehow free their comrade (interference with official police investigation).

Seconds later, a swift mix-up of testy protesters tried to trip up police, a bicyclist conveniently blocked the cops’ path, eliciting another cop…then another…then a swarm of police personnel funneling from a nearby building. To boot, SWAT officers poured from what appeared to be their armored vehicle, parked on the nearby courtyard of the Justice Center (appropriate and ironic). One by one, in a direct line to the quickly unfolding melee, law enforcement officers were abuzz and blanketed the brewing brawl, safeguarding the two arresting officers and their suspect while pushing back the encircling crowd of antagonists.

A scurry and a brawl ensued, topped off by the launch of smoke canisters and an immediately formed wall of badges. That worked to create some space between cops and the angry mob.

You can watch the video below (warning—graphic imagery and foul language ahead):

This is our newMerica. This is what is seemingly so embedded now that cops are staging more now than ever before, just waiting for the first of many rocks, bottles, eggs, and other harmful projectiles to be launched at them…all the while Democrat-run locales crawl with this unsavory behavior and locale politicians downplay the reality: Law and order is shelved.

I just finished reading an analysis written by Maine’s attorney general, articulating how a fractional few rogue cops elsewhere (namely Minneapolis, involving George Floyd) have caused cops everywhere to pay the price. Whether Maine’s top cop or a ten-year-old sizing up what is right before our eyes Anywhere, USA, the scourge of anti-police sentiments are so misguided and so needlessly causing significant harm to large and small communities alike, all based on ill-conceived anger and uncivil exhaust.