- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

WATCH: Black Chicago residents bullhorn-blast Black Lives Matter scourge, thugs stand paralyzed with fear

Recent brazen and widespread criminal activity in Chicago [1] resulted in the Englewood community having its name blasted all over the national news stemming from yet another rash of looting and property destruction…compliments of Black Lives Matter hooligans burglarizing businesses and taking whatever they please. The streets and shopping center parking lots were strewn with debris, appearing as if a hurricane blew through. It was not caused by nature, though; it was yet another episode of the nefarious handiwork of BLM.

Via bullhorn, one so-called BLM leader boisterously proclaimed their rights to be self-sufficient, to take what they need in order to survive (as if the apocalypse occurred and preppers have all the goods). Delusions aside, BLM “members” are actually manifesting a massive rude awakening, and this story is a mere microcosm to be proud of.

Perhaps a sampling of a not-so-silent-majority prepping for the takedown in whatever form is deemed legitimate yet effective, Darryl Smith and Duane Kidd took to the streets and bellowed their distaste for any and all BLM hostilities in their community.

With bullhorns in hands, these community-invested gentlemen exercised their First Amendment rights and unloosed some choices words which seemed to penetrate the numb-skulled anarchists and instill some sense of fear—BLM cohorts stood their motionless, like children paralyzed by a deserved rebuke.

Watch the brief video below (warning—foul language ahead):

The language is crass, but who can blame fed-up citizens having to witness their hard-earned belongings threatened and their communities decimated by hostile hooligans demanding things of others…because they say so?

Do they really believe millions upon millions of Americans are going to merely hand over their possessions and/or remain silent to outright thievery and mayhem?

Furthermore, it is enriching to hear any citizen implore good policing in an ostensibly anti-cop climate. Mr. Smith is technically correct about anarchists pissing off police, but it is not only the disorderly conduct of “activists” which perturbs Chicago cops but their elected officials who feed the Antifa/BLM beast by not preempting such behaviors while also handcuffing law enforcers in the process.

Hopefully, Mr. Smith and company bull-horning BLM results in copycats spreading the same message across the American terrain rife with rampant rioting.