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WATCH: Karen ‘the mall cop’ pops off on a group of tourists, gets whooped in ground-fight

What would a weekend be like without another loony tune Karen popping off like she wrote the Constitution and owns the globe? In one of the latest Karen sightings, a “mall cop” exhibits typical Karen-like behavior and goes so far as to count down from 10 to 1…before she decides to lay hands on one among a group of freedom-loving tourists standing on what appears to be a service road (maybe public street, where she has the authority of a gnat) enveloping a shopping mall complex.

Take note of several oddities—there is a potpourri of humorous antics and baseless demands. My fave standout is a uniformed individual donning a Smokey hat, with zany outbursts and zero self-control, while wearing a “security officer” shirt with sleeves long enough for an escape from any sixth floor. Total command presence gone awry.

In the prankish-looking melee, Karen the mall cop demands everyone’s phone…and is furious when no one complies with her outlandish dictatorial presence (which is unwittingly animated). Armed with a set of handcuffs, a two-way radio, possibly a Tazer (someone yelled “Tazer!”), and an atrocious attitude, this Karen needs her blood pressure checked and some additional training.

Wonder what her parking ticket stats are like. God forbid someone’s car tire is a hair on the white painted lines demarcating parking spaces. I thought I saw a tape measure on her duty belt, too.

Yikes! Ticket under your windshield wiper and a sledgehammer through the driver’s door window? A Karen operation on the beat (taken literally)?

Watch this female version of “Tackleberry [1],” enjoy yourself…but beware of graphic imagery and foul language:

I guess this is what shoppers can expect for “not respecting mall property rules!” Although we do not know what preceded this outrageous volcanic outburst from a security officer in uniform, it sure doesn’t seem like the group of bikers was doing anything other than relishing an elevated position overlooking some mountainous property…and taking pictures of same.

Thank goodness for Amazon!