- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Democrat Senator Calls Barrett Nomination Illegal: CNN Says “It’s Not”

As is the Democratic rhetoric, whenever President Trump makes a decision, all opposed must make outlandish accusations against the POTUS. Most recently, Trump had the honor of nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. Not minutes after his announcement did Democrat Senators call the move “illegal” and “illegitimate”, but as their own CNN points out, it’s not just legal – it’s constitutional…

Sadly, one of the most outspoken voices against President Trump’s nominee was the Senator from Connecticut, Richard Blumenthal, who will be one of the members of the Judiciary Committee. For Blumenthal, the move that President Trump made was not only illegal but a sham. After the nomination, Blumenthal jumped on twitter to release a barrage of comments, one claiming he would not meet with Barrett and would oppose the confirmation.

For decades now, Senators on both sides of the aisle have met with potential Supreme Court Justices. Even when Trump nominated Kavanaugh, both Republican and Democrat Senators met and shared advice with him. Still, Blumenthal seemed deadest on his comments when he appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzer.

What the Senator thought was going to be a pat on the back for standing up to Donald Trump turned into a grilling as Blitzer confronted Blumenthal about his comments. The host asked, “The Constitution says the president has to nominate Supreme Court justices; the Senate has to advise and consent and confirm, so what is illegal about what the president and the Republicans are doing? You say it’s illegitimate.”

This is where the interview takes a turn as Blumenthal seems to be shaken by the question. He babbles on trying to make ends meet by saying, “the vote on this nominee will occur literally at the end of October, a handful of days before an election.” But as Blitzer mentioned, it doesn’t give a time frame in the Constitution, it just says the “President”.

Still, Blumenthal wouldn’t concede, even going further to say his comments were taken out of context by saying, “Illegal it may not be under the Constitution. Under the norms and traditions and unwritten rules of the Senate, it is illegitimate”, and that “It violates the spirit of the Constitution.”

While it isn’t out of the normal for Democrats to oppose the President, people like Blumenthal show America that they don’t care about making the country work, they only care about being right. That is the problem, America only works when both sides work together, and it seems the Democrats only want to it to be their side or no side.