- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

In Biden’s America, All Crimes Will Be Excused

The democrat’s push for the defunding of police is only the beginning. They want NO police, no arrests, no law and order and no punishment for any crimes.

We have seen that in the last few months when criminals go about their rioting with no arrests and the Black Lives Matter organization gets together to protest legitimate arrests and shootings of black criminals, regardless of the circumstances of the crime.

When you listen to the words of the democrats and read their policies you will see that they believe that the justice system has failed the criminals.

The democrats believe in justice for the criminals, not justice for the victims and the law-abiding American citizens.

The 2020 democratic party platform complains about over-policing and a need to “overhaul” the criminal justice system. Dems are against mass incarceration and want social workers in schools to deal with criminals under the age of 18. 

Democrats want to handicap the police and restrain their use of force. They want biased training for judges, police officers and anyone else in the criminal justice system because everyone is racist and that’s why the jails are so crowded.

The bottom line is that the democrats want to hold those in power accountable for their actions but not the criminals.

California, as always, is leading the way in these efforts. Democrats in Sacramento have come up with a bill to allow people convicted of a large number of crimes to avoid jail time [1] and have their offenses wiped from their record if a judge decides to offer them a “diversionary program.”

Let’s see… what kind of crimes can these Californians commit and NOT pay a price for? I’m sure it’s nothing too serious, right?

There’s statutory rape, sexual assault on a minor 14 years or older, hate crimes, elder abuse, vehicular manslaughter and DUIs where an innocent person is killed.

This legislation would certainly fit into the democratic plan of keeping the jails empty.

What it’s going to lead to is keeping California empty because more and more people are fleeing this idiotic state. 

And more and more people are waking up to what the democratic party has morphed into over the past few years – a lawless party who wants to empower their lawless supporters.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on September 21, 2020. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [2] and is used by permission.

Read more at SteveGruber.com:
Spokesman Says Biden Wants National Gun Registry [3]
Packing the Supreme Court Was Planned by the Dems Long Before Justice Ginsburg’s Death [4]