- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Is Kanye West a spoiler working for Trump?

In 1992 Bill Clinton would likely not have been elected without Ross Perot on the ballot. In 1912 Teddy Roosevelt on the ballot made possible the election of Woodrow Wilson. Ralph Nader scuttled chances for Al Gore in 2000. Jill Stein may have significantly contributed to the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Could Kanye West be trying to stop Joe Biden in 2020? If he is, he’s doing a poor job of it.

Just the News reports, “West has in the recent past famously voiced his support for President Trump. In October he attended a highly publicized meeting at the Oval Office with the president. In July, however, he announced his opposition to Trump, criticizing the president for his handling of the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States…Yet his campaign against the president and Democratic candidate Joe Biden appears to be doomed to failure. As of Friday, West’s name was only on the ballot in 10 states: Oklahoma, Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Utah, Tennessee, Vermont and Colorado. He has missed the deadline to appear on the ballot in 28 states plus the District of Columbia. In another nine states, he has  either been kicked off or withdrawn his request to be on the ballot.”

Only 2 of those states, Iowa and Minnesota, may be in play. There is evidence of GOP operatives in the race. If so, it must be the junior varsity unless they are up to a devilish scheme not apparent yet. But even then, the wacky rap star was never going to be a serious candidate anyway.

Just the News: “Those 10 states represent just 70 electoral votes, well short of the 270 a candidate needs to secure the presidency. The three remaining states in which West may end up being on the ballot — all of whose deadlines were Friday —would total just 18 electoral votes…West’s campaign has aroused suspicions of improper and deceptive efforts to qualify for inclusion on the ballot. In New Jersey in August, for instance, West withdrew his ballot petition after questions arose over the signatures the campaign had obtained to gain access to the ballot; numerous signatures were observed to have distinctly similar handwriting styles.”

Not on the ballot in states that count and a slipshod operation. Though there still may be an unknown benefit to Trump by this effort, the likelihood is that it’s just a lark by a rather dumb and self-obsessed rap star.