- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Several boats sink in weekend Trump parade, Democrats celebrate on social media

Saturday the Trump volunteer navy did not have its best day in Texas. Numerous boats experienced problems on the water and multiple vessels sank on the state’s Lake Travis, named after the Alamo commander William Barret Travis, due to bad sea conditions. It is thought the chop from many boats in a relatively enclosed body of water contributed to the aquatic debacle. It didn’t seem to be weather conditions.

The New York Times reported, “With winds around 10 miles an hour, and gusting to as much as 15 m.p.h., the weather conditions in and around the lake most likely would not have caused the boats to sink,” Aaron Treadway, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in the Austin/San Antonio office.”

No one was injured in the Lone Star State seaborne melee, but egos were bruised as many pro-Trump boaters needed rescuing by other crafts. This kind of event, though without problems, was a phenomenon taking place all over the country. Thousands of pro-Trump boaters took to the waterways over the weekend to express their support for the president. No other incidents were reported. Leftist pundits wasted no time in needling the nautical mishaps.

Among the barbs directed at Trump supporters were, as reported by Just the News, “A miracle at #Dumbkirk’ and “Asked for comment about the incident, the President remarked ‘I like boats that don’t sink.’ ”

“What word would Trump use for these people?” queried a liberal.

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell said, “this is f***ing hilarious. A literal blue wave. I mean, you can’t make this s*** up.”

“Am I the only one laughing at Trump supporters’ boats sinking?” another person said. “Next time they should boat by mail,” one person mocked.” Life sometimes gives us metaphors without us having to try,” said another.

These non-witticisms are a glaring example of the slow-witted mental muddle prevalent amongst the left. You see the obvious lines a second grader could have come up with, the lack of education and style, the bad puns not even so bad as to be funny, the herd mentality, and the startling lack of originality common throughout the leftist hive who would rather prattle along with their ideological cohorts than take a moment to think for themselves, much less come up with an even vaguely witty line. S.J. Perelman, they are not. However, alright, okay, you gotta give them “Dumbkirk.” Clever.