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School Teacher Scolds Student For Saying They Admire President Trump

The progressive left, as they would love to be called, wants nothing more than America to view them as the model citizen this country needs. What does that model citizen necessarily entail? Well, recently a schoolteacher berated a 10-year-old child who said they admired President Donald Trump and everything he has done for this country.

The teacher in question is Brendon Stanton, who teaches sixth grade at the Perry G. Keithley Middle School. He was teaching a virtual class when he asked students to name a computer programmer they most admired. If the student didn’t know a programmer, they could just talk about someone they know in society. This is when the class took a turn as one student claimed to admire President Trump and how he is making America great again.

During the class, the unnamed child answered Stanton’s question with the following answer, “I admire Donald J. Trump because he is making America great again. And because he is the best president the United States of America could ever, ever have. And he built a wall so terrorists couldn’t come into in the [sic] the U.S. Trump is the best person in the world. And that’s why I had [sic] admire him.”

Coming from a ten-year-old, you expect a certain answer from the teacher when it pertains to subjects like politics. But Stanton saw this opportunity to stand on a soapbox and preach to the minds of tomorrow about the leader of the free world. Stanton said, “The example that was shared in the chat, which I went ahead and erased for us, was not appropriate, right? Especially as that individual has created so much division and hatred between people and specifically spoken hatred to many different individuals, OK? Again, that individual has spoken hate to many individuals, and I don’t think is an appropriate example for a role model that we should be admiring.”

The mother of the child, Elsy Kusander happened to walk in while the teacher was berating the students about Donald Trump. She pulled out her phone and started recording the incident. It can be viewed here. [1]

After the altercation, Kusander tried reaching out to the teacher and faculty, but neither would respond to her. Finally, she was able to get ahold of the teacher and both sat down to talk about the incident. While Stanton claims he tries to keep politics out of the classroom, he did say he was offended by the comments made about walls keeping terrorists out. That fact that Stanton was talking to a group of 10-year-olds must have never caught his attention.

Still, this isn’t the first time teachers have subjected children to their rants about the current political climate in America. In the past, teachers have pushed against Trump’s treatment of immigrants, his law and order mentality, and his unyielding ability to upset the status quo.