What would you do for a vote? That is the exact question the Democrats continue to ask themselves whenever they meet a voter. They don’t see the person behind the ballot. The person trying to make ends meet and put food on the table – all they want and care about is you casting that vote in their favor. Don’t take my word for it – just watch this video the Democrats thought was cool and hip for the black community.

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Being so out of touch with reality, the Democrats thought the best way to appeal to a younger African American voter base was to get two rappers to rap battle why it is important to vote. This is the problem with the Democrats. Even Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell notices the voter base turning away from the Democrats.

Speaking of Fox News, Caldwell said, “For every African American, especially, young African Americans, we point clearly to the 1994 Crime Bill, which was sponsored by Sen. Joe Biden. One which gave $9.7 billion to build private prisons in our country and provided grants and incentivized states to create what we call the three-strike law.”

Wait, you mean to tell me that Charlie Clips and DNA didn’t drop in some phat line about how Biden sponsored the bill that saw millions of Black lives thrown in jail. What about Harris? She also helped put innocent lives behind bars while her pockets were lined with cash. Honestly, instead of the two rappers, the Democrats might have been better off getting Biden and Harris to do it themselves, given the street credit the pair has.

Caldwell expects the reason the Democrats put Biden up for the nomination was in hopes of garnering the black votes that Barrack Obama saw, which was in the mid-90s. Caldwell had a bleak response for the VP, “Joe Biden is going to have an issue because there is no way he is going to get President Obama’s 2008 numbers when it comes to African American support, which [was] at 94, 95, 96 percent. He is not going to get that, therefore, I think Joe Biden is going to lose this race for president.”

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And there you have it. With over 50% of people saying they are better off now than they were four years ago and black voters turning away from Biden, the Democrats have no other option than to raise the white flag as Trump is heading for another GREAT victory.