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Franklin Graham Praises President On Supreme Court Appointments

Control of the Senate is vital to advancing any national governing agenda. Nowhere is this more clear than in the case of the Supreme Court. Thus, among the president’s greatest achievements are the nominations and Senate confirmations of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

We saw this on Wednesday as the high court ruled against the arbitrary and capricious actions of New York Liberal Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo and his dictatorial hypocrisy on virus regulations.

FNC: “The court ruled 5-4 to bar Cuomo from enforcing his Oct. 6 ‘Cluster Initiative’ against houses of worship that sued to challenge the restrictions. The order was also the first in which Justice Amy Coney Barrett played a decisive role. Barrett, who was President Trump’s third Supreme Court nominee, joined the court Oct. 27, after winning Senate confirmation following the Sept. 18 death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In addition to Gorsuch and Barrett, Trump also appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas — conservatives who were appointed before Trump took office — also sided with the majority opinion.”

Evangelical Christian leader Franklin Graham, son of the late and famed Reverend Billy Graham, was pleased with the outcome of the court decision, “President Trump deserves thanks for appointing three conservative Supreme Court justices, each of whom ruled this week in favor of religious groups and against New York government officials seeking to curb congregation sizes at religious services.”

He wrote on Twitter that he was “thankful for President @realDonald Trump’s appointment of 3 conservative #SCOTUS justices who ruled last night in favor of churches & against gov’t overreach in the state of New York.”

Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion: “It is time … to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores & bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, & mosques.” Absolutely perfect logic from this Trump appointee.

In the Supreme vote, Chief Justice John Roberts voted with the liberal minority. The left knows that such cases are being decided by the conservative majority because of the president’s victory on Barrett. Therefore, expect extraordinary pressure on the Supreme Court in a Biden administration.

There will be moves for the liberal justices to retire to make way for younger leftists. There could be a court packing scheme. Knowing the left and their terrorist allies, there could even be physical threats and assaults on conservative Supreme Court justices. The proper crocodile tears would be shed by the Biden administration and then they would nominate a Jacobin, an ersatz Robespiere, a veritable Vyskinsky, to sit on the high court.

What will stop them? Pray it is the United States Senate, likely by one vote. That’s how close we are to a national tragedy of immense proportions.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on November 27, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette [2] and is used by permission.

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