- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Senate Balance Gives RINOs Edge

The Republicans have recently enjoyed, and do still, a 53 seat majority in the US Senate. Best case scenario after the January Georgia runoff election? It is reduced to 52. More likely, it is 51. Which means a one vote RINO defection on a bill and we will lose the vote, if Biden is elected president. Because then, veep Harris could break a tie vote. In fact, if one Republican switched parties, and it’s happened before, the Senate would switch to Democrat control.

Two RINO Senators who could make these Democrat wishes come true still call themselves Republicans: Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski. Another possible defector is Susan Collins of Maine. Maine is a blue state and only elects Collins when she bucks her own party. Her recent reelection is due to Mitch McConnell giving her the go ahead, he had the votes without her, to vote against the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Both Romney and Murkowski are from conservative states, Utah and Alaska respectively. So neither is likely to switch parties. But, like the late John McCain did on Obamacare, one or both could jump ship on important votes to curry favor with the media and popular culture. Not to mention to suck up to the White House, if Democrats succeed in the theft of this presidential election.

Collins isn’t an egomaniac, as those two are. But out of sheer political survival she may have to go south on Senate votes. Her vote for Brett Kavanaugh fueled the last Democrat challenge against her. She’s learned her lesson, hence the Barrett vote.

FNC: “Collins’ position of prominence wasn’t certain. Polling before the election showed Democrats with a good chance of taking control of the Senate and polls showed her campaigning from behind against her Democratic opponent, Sara Gideon, Maine’s House speaker, who outspent her. But Democrats’ hopes for a blue wave crashed and Collins handily won her race by 9 points, a larger win than even she expected.”

“I was very gratified that the margin was so big — that people were able to look at the individual. They were smart enough to reject the outright lies that Chuck Schumer and his PAC have hoisted.”

Mitch McConnell will have his hands full keeping these three on the reservation. Collins because she is a straight shooter and will have to be convinced of things regardless of party labels. The other two because they are RINO opportunists.