- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Thursday Evening Election Update

It’s late Thursday afternoon ranging into the evening and no decision, media-driven or otherwise, seems to be immediately forthcoming.

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas have taken undercover video of a Nevada postal worker confirming he could set up a ballot box stuffing/ballot harvesting situation. Trump lawyers are there and fanning out all over the country following up these leads, as rumors swirl of dozens of videos showing obvious and blatant Democrat voter fraud.

In other news, Pennsylvania is still steady for Trump, though the gap is somewhat closing. Georgia and North Carolina are now leaning Trump. Nevada is leaning Biden, but there is massive fraud there, as evidenced above. All Trump will need is one, just one state, to switch because a court throws out Democrat fraudulent ballots and Trump will be reelected. We stand by our final estimate of the president’s reelection by 280-290 electoral votes. The state called for Biden most likely to flip is Michigan, followed by Nevada.

Biden will speak soon and again predict, if not outright claim, victory. He must do this fast to get the fake momentum ball rolling. If this happens expect the pop culture and the media to follow in lockstep almost immediately.

Legally the Trump campaign won a decision on Trump reps being physically present for vote counts in Philadelphia. It lost a Michigan case on ballot tampering. Both cases could go to a higher court. DC intel says there will soon be a major Democrat public relations push to get new Justice Amy Coney Barrett to recuse herself from any election cases. She won’t budge. Barrett is tough. Left wing riff raff won’t intimidate her.

North Carolina says the vote count won’t be finished for another week. A good Georgia source says, “Based on the GA numbers, it’s gonna be tight. Look at what’s left to count by county. This going to be super close…Seems like Michigan and PA are the epicenter of any shenanigans. I feel pretty confident that GA is on top of things. It’s going to be probably closer in GA than anywhere.” That’s good analysis. Stay tuned for daily election updates in the morning and afternoon.