- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

WATCH: Americans Are Pushing Against Pandemic Lockdowns

Since the announcement of COVID-19, Americans have been feverishly working to figure out a way to stop the virus from spreading. Lockdowns, masks, and social distancing have been called into action by many leading Democrats strongholds. The problem – all these states are seeing their number of cases rise. Most recently, the Minnesota Governor decided to throw his state into another four-week lockdown just before the Christmas season. And the reasoning is – public safety.

In the video below, you will hear about Americans protesting the right way. Tired of the lockdowns that have plagued the nation, a group of Americans decided it was enough and stood up for their right to gather. According to the new lockdown rules, no groups can gather even if they are wearing masks and social distancing. In short – Thanksgiving is canceled.

What is interesting is how the Democrats are slamming these protesters for putting people’s lives in danger, but where were they just a week ago when thousands of leftists flooded the streets in celebration. There is even one video that shows several people sharing a bottle of champagne, but then again – this is the Democrats we are writing about.

Another fact that should be noted is how over 6,000 scientists have come out and said the lockdowns do not work. They talk about herd immunizations and even the Trump “Vaccine” as ways to stop the spread of the virus, but the only thing lockdowns do is cripple the economy and make the people reliant on the government. Exactly what the Democrats want.

As for Joe Biden, there was an article written on this same site a few months ago about how Biden wanted to cancel Thanksgiving. While many might have seen it as satire, what do you see happening in all the Democratic states around the country? The holidays are being pushed out as the new Biden regime takes control.

No matter what, the 400 protesters were well within their right to show up to the governor’s mansions to demonstrate their disapproval peacefully. But we are still waiting for the Democrats to denounce the Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements.