- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

WATCH: CNN Calls Dominion In Question But Then Takes It Back

Since the election, many Americans have called into question the software used to cast our ballots. For years, Venezuelan companies like Dominion and Smartmatic have secretly injected themselves into the heart of our democracy. Without the freedom to vote, our democracy crumbles and we become another dictatorship like other countries. But the Democrats and media claim there was no election fraud, and if there was – they would know about it.

What is more interesting is this video we found from 2006. Guess what? It’s CNN doing a story on the voting software used in our election and how it could be tampered with. They even call into question the software itself and how they use trade secrets to make the machine operate correctly. In laymen’s terms – a person would never know if the machines were rigged. Go ahead and watch the video for yourself.

This is how blind the Democrats really are. They are so happy that they might have beat Donald Trump that they don’t see the true villain. It isn’t the President who boasted law and order while continuously being ridiculed by the left. They even claim that people who are supporting election fraud are nothing more than conspiracy theorists, or the right looking for a person to blame the loss on. But what if there is something more going on?

Contrary to what the Democrats might believe, the right is not out to get them and burn down their villages. The right is concerned not by the Democrats beating Donald Trump, but in the fashion that he did it. The man literally gained more votes than any other President, even Trump.

That should have set off some type of alarms, but the Democrats only see victory. They truly believe that Dominion is now the good guy when a decade ago they were calling the company into question for their business practices. They even claimed that the company could use trade secrets to rig an election to whichever person they choose. But I’m sure that this is nothing more than some crazy right-wingers just looking for a conspiracy theory.