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Carlson Calls Out Democrats and China On Virus

It’s something many of us have thought but few have said out loud. Was the virus intentionally spread by China to intervene in the American presidential election? When the president labeled the virus a “Chinese virus” he was mocked and ridiculed. Was he more right than he knew? Tucker Carlson has a take on this and tbough it may sound overwrought, it isn’t.

“You’ve heard a lot recently about ‘voter fraud’ and ‘election fraud.’ But now comes more profound news, of a global fraud that began long before Election Day and has ruined millions of lives, killed hundreds of thousands, and deeply affected the outcome of our presidential election. We speak, of course, of the coronavirus pandemic. Simply put, we’ve been lied to. The latest evidence comes from samples collected during Red Cross blood drives last year and analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a study published on Monday. Researchers tested 39 blood samples from California, Washington and Oregon that were collected between Dec. 13 and Dec. 16, 2019. At the time, no one in the United States had heard of COVID-19. The Chinese government didn’t even acknowledge its existence until Dec. 31. And yet, every one of those samples came back positive for coronavirus antibodies. Keep in mind that antibodies don’t develop for at least a week after exposure to the virus.” So, it got here much sooner than we thought and the Chinese likely well knew of its potential lethality.

“That means the human coronavirus was being transmitted throughout the American population far earlier, possibly months earlier, than we were told. We don’t know yet how it happened, but we know for certain that it did. So clearly, what we have been told for almost a year about the origins of the coronavirus is not true. Why are we just learning this now, a month after a presidential election? We’ve had reliable antibody tests since the summer, yet no one thought to test Red Cross blood samples until now? Why weren’t elected officials demanding a coherent account of where this virus that has changed American history forever came from, how it got to the United States and how it spread through our population? Why don’t we know that yet?” One reason is that it couldn’t come out before the election.

“Because nobody seemed to care. Our elected officials were too busy enjoying their newfound power. They were shutting down small businesses and arresting people for kayaking without masks. Back in January, 11 months ago, the Department of Homeland Security warned that American airports could be ground zero for a new pandemic, but Congress yawned. On Jan. 24, a day when, these blood samples now prove, the virus had already spread across the continent, the Trump administration held a classified briefing on the coronavirus for the entire U.S. Senate, but only 14 senators showed up for it. Why? Well, Jan. 24 was the final day of House Democrats’ opening statements in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump.”

And here’s the WHO after the Chinese knew exactly what it was and what it could do.


“Internal documents now prove that Chinese officials knew they were facing a coronavirus pandemic — something they’d never seen before — but they hid that information from the world and they arrested those who tried to report it. More critically, millions of people continued to travel through the city of Wuhan in central China, the epicenter of the pandemic. Then more than a million Chinese citizens flew to the United States. It wasn’t until Jan. 20 that Chinese President Xi Jinping finally admitted the virus could be contagious. At best, that’s criminal negligence. At worst, it’s something like mass murder.” The Chinese knew, the Democrats, with their close ties to China, likely knew. The individuals left in the dark? The American people. Thus a large reason they voted for Joe Biden was wrapped up in this scam. Score one for the bad guys.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on December 3, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette [6] and is used by permission.

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