- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Republicans See Trump As Model For Party’s Future

According to the Democrats, President Trump was one of the worst Presidents in the history of our country. Over the past four years, with the help of the media – President Trump has been called a liar, racist, and sexist. And that was all within the first month of him running for office. The Democrats want nothing more than for the American people to believe that Trump is out for himself and doesn’t care about this country, but is that really how society feels? New polls show a completely different tone.

A recent poll was conducted by the GOP as they look to reorganize their party ahead of the 2022 midterm election. Hoping to gain voters among the undecided, the party asked a simple question to 1,000 voters, “As the Republican Party reorganizes itself next year, should it be more like President Trump or more like the average GOP member of Congress?”

Simple enough, the party wanted to know if President Trump was too extreme for the American people. Although he did more for the people than previous Presidents like Barrack Obama, Trump hasn’t been viewed as gracious as his predecessors. While they were praised for how they handled a situation, Trump is often chastised or even mocked as he does nothing more than try to help.

Among the voters, 3 out of 4, or 72% of the American people believe that the republican party should continue moving forward with a pro-Trump attitude. That’s right, people are catching on to the old politicians like Joe Biden. Biden has spent almost his entire life in politics and what does he have to show for it? The man hasn’t done a thing and they practically handed him the White House.

The people are tired of politicians, that is why they elected President Trump in the first place. They wanted something different, and it paid off. Even among the Black Voters, 25% found favor with Donald Trump. While they might not share his ideas, they noticed how much he fought to save the middle class. You know, the same class the Democrats want to get rid of.

While the President’s days are numbered in the Oval Office, it should put him at ease to know that while his presidency has ended, his legacy continues to shape and mold the future of the Republican party.