- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Seattle Socialist In Recall Fight

Seattle. Has anything good come out of it recently? Rain, depression, socialism? Not a cheery list. Let’s not forget their forays into secession. And there through it all was and is a truly pusillanimous mayor, Jenny Durkan, and a truly loony socialist city council member, Kshama Sawant. Now, certain citizens, not so subtly backed by the mayor, are trying to throw Sawant out of office.

FNC: “A bitter political battle has broken out in Seattle where one of the city’s councilmembers is facing a recall effort led by residents who expressed dismay over her conduct during recent protests. On Thursday, Seattle resident Ernest Lou made his case again for the recall effort, which he based on four specific charges relating to how Councilwoman Kshama Sawant. allegedly abused her office. Specifically, Lou alleges that Sawant let protesters into City Hall during a nighttime protest and spoke at another demonstration in front of the Democratic Mayor Jenny Durkan’s house. The issue is currently headed to the Washington Supreme Court in January after an appeal from Sawant, a socialist.” Here she is spending other people’s money.


Sawant added that since “they have failed in all their efforts to force my office to back down, pro-capitalist politicians have fought relentlessly to block or co-opt social movements — and, if all else failed, to claim credit for their victories. This is to discourage working people from getting organized.”

The mayor does not agree and wants her bounced because Sawant led demonstrations at the Durkan home. “All of us have joined hundreds of demonstrations across the City, but Councilmember Sawant and her followers chose to do so with reckless disregard of the safety of my family and children. In addition, during or after Councilmember Sawant’s speech at that rally, her followers vandalized my home by spray-painting obscenities.”

Upset Jenny? Sad. But you brought this on yourself by indulging every wacky Bolshevik scheme to come down the pike. Didn’t think your rabid animal could turn on you, did you? Now it has and you expect the system you allowed to be savaged to come to your rescue and heave Sawant out of office? Sorry, you don’t deserve it and neither does Seattle.