- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Vaccine Passport Might Be Mandatory For Flights And Venues

Go ahead and get your papers ready. It appears the Democrats are on the move again to try and control the nation. Ever since the COVID-19 vaccine was released, Americans have been wary to step forward and get it. And for good reason. Coming off of a stolen election, the American people are struggling to understand the government that was supposed to protect them through the pandemic instead of running and hiding. Well, now it appears that even running won’t be enough as the Democrats are hoping to implement a Vaccine Passport to show who has been vaccinated.

According to reports being released by the Democratic hub CNN, several businesses including IBM and the World Economic Forum, have already been developing smartphone apps and software that would help the government keep track of people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Not to mention, if this were to pass – the government would make it mandatory for people to get the vaccine to attend larger venues like sporting events and concerts. But that’s not all – the Democrats want to take it a step further and make the Vaccine Passport a necessity when traveling abroad.

The most prominent software emerging among the group is called Common Pass app, which was designed by a nonprofit based in Switzerland. The app allows users to upload medical information such as vaccine records and medical tests. The data is then transferred into a digital QR code which officials could scan without releasing sensitive information.

Most recently, the same idea was implemented in the blockbuster film Greenland, where certain people were given access to shelter using none other than a QR code. That being said, the days of choice may be coming to an end if the Democrats have anything to say about it. They don’t care about the American people and the health of society. It isn’t about keeping your children out of danger – it is and always will be about control.

As the software continues to press forward, many groups have already called into question the app and how much freedom people are willing to give up in the name of public health. But as they continue to debate the ethics, some apps are already being tested among the public.