- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Biden Claims To Fight Systemic Racism, But Worried Kids Will Grow Up In “Racial Jungles”

Since taken office just a few short days ago, President Joe Biden has made some bold claims to what he wants to accomplish as POTUS. In one of his first speeches, Biden said he was eager to get to work and fight the “systemic racism” that has torn this country apart. He didn’t mention the true culprits like the liberal media or cancel culture. But what is more interesting is how President Biden claims he is going to fight these injustices, but what has he done in politics over the past 40 years? Let’s take a look.

Like many Americans, they don’t trust Biden when it comes to his past as a politician. Throughout the campaign, there were plenty of stories about China dealings and pay for play politics to have anyone concerned. Still, somehow Biden was able to claim victory. But as you are about to read, when it comes to racism, Biden might be more of the problem than the solution.

Recently, Sean Hannity at Fox News, ran a story on Biden, and in it he said, “[In] 1977, Biden worried his children would grow up in a ‘racial jungle if immigration is not done in an orderly way.'”

Hannity went on to claim, in 2006, Biden told a crowd, ‘You have to have [a] slight Indian accent to work at 7-Eleven or Dunkin’ Donuts.’ It was under Barack [Obama] and Joe’s watch that Ferguson happened, Baltimore happened … does that sound like a man who is particularly worried about racism to you?”

And it doesn’t even stop there. Remember, this is Biden’s third time running for President. That means in the past, the American people have deemed him unfit to run the free world. A quick look shows that Biden has been in politics since the 70s when racism was at an all-time high. And what did he do about it then?

According to Hannity – nothing. He said, “What did he do to fix systemic racism in the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, and 2000s … ? It’s pretty obvious why Biden spends most of his days hiding in his basement … the lying, the racial rhetoric, constant confusion … these are questions America will have to ask and answer in 146 days.”