- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

History Shows Trump Supporters Face Purge While Left Remains Unchecked

Following Joe Biden winning the 2020 election, the media and the liberal left have pushed a narrative that the GOP and conservatives are out of control. While the rest of America acts if Biden really won the election, the right is demanding nothing more than an investigation into how Biden won the Presidency. But like any patriot today, they are quickly silenced and deplatformed for their beliefs. What makes it worse is the fact that when Trump beat Hillary in 2016, the left lashed out with riots and looting, yet all their charges were dropped, while conservatives now face huge fines and jail time.

Continuing forward with the double standard that is the political system, let’s take a look back at 2016. All the polls showed Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump by a landslide. There was no way around it. According to the left, Trump was too radical to be in the White House and there was no way Hillary could lose. Yet when the dust settled, it was Trump who was the next POTUS, not Hillary. What followed was nothing short of anarchy as the left reacted to Trump winning.

Liberal sites like CNN even reported on the violence that was raging in the streets by their own followers. The articles read, “On the morning of January 20, protests over Donald Trump’s inauguration turned violent when black-clad ‘anti-fascist’ protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine, and eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police.”

On Trump’s Inauguration Day, CNN reported on the mobs of people who turned violent. Looted businesses, broken windows, and even attacking the police all seemed to be appropriate responses for Trump winning office. Why is that?

Because out of the 214 people that were arrested for acts of violence, there wasn’t a single person convicted of a crime. Even the Associated Press reported on the news, writing “The motion to dismiss charges against the last 39 people charged seemingly ends an 18-month saga that started with the Justice Department attempting to convict more than 190 people.”

Fast forward four years and now the people who stormed the streets of Washington for Biden are demanding that conservatives be tried and convicted for doing the same exact thing. While no form of violence should ever be tolerated, the hypocrisy from the left is outrageous.

But this is only the beginning of a four-year Presidency that is sure to not only attack the values of America but also try to silence its voice in the process.