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Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi Used the Offensive Pronoun “He” Seven Time in the Impeachment Document

The elected democrat leaders have big problems when it comes to dealing with reality. Their actions are always separated from the lip service that they give to their voters.

In an effort to pander to their base of gays, transgenders and others, the democrats are constantly talking about not using offensive words like “he” or “she.”

Recently, the democrats banned the use of many “offensive” words from the text of their House rules and will now use gender-neutral terms. Pelosi said that the new rules would make the House “the most inclusive in history.”

But democrats don’t actually believe what they are saying because none of them are actually DOING what they say they believe in. 

And that includes the latest impeachment document that accuses Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors by inciting insurrection.

When doing a search of the document, I found seven instances where the word “he” was used in the language.


What’s up, Nance? Put your money where your mouth is.

Non-inclusive Pelosi’s Twitter bio still uses the outdated words banned from the text of the House rules including calling herself a “mother” and “grandmother” instead of a parent and grandparent.

Hypocrite Kamala Harris is also not inclusive. Her Twitter bio says she’s a Wife and an Auntie. She also tweeted on Tuesday about her “son” instead of her child. Many other tweets include non-inclusive pronouns.

And Mr. Biden says he’s a “father” and “grandfather” on his Twitter bio and his tweets are full of the pronouns “he” and “she.”

These people are all FRAUDS.

Not news to you, I’m sure.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on January 15, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [1] and is used by permission.