- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Judge Blocks Biden’s Deportation Moratorium

Since taken office, President Joe Biden has made it his mission to tear apart the Administration Trump built. It doesn’t matter if it worked or not, Biden and the Democrats have attacked the COVID-19 policies, Gun Control, and not surprising Immigration. Top on the list of priorities, Biden wants to make sure the immigrants are taken care of over the American people. But while Biden acts like he has complete power, a judge in Texas believes otherwise.

On day one of being President, Biden made sure to order the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to stop deporting any illegal immigrant unless it had to deal with terrorism. Attorney General Ken Paxton (R-Texas) believed the move could hurt not only the ICE but American safety as well and sought to fight against Biden’s order in court.

Astonishing, the courts sided with Paxton and said the federal government couldn’t enforce the deportation moratorium under the current laws. Knowing the fight isn’t over, Paxton released a statement saying, “Border states like Texas pay a particularly high price when the federal government fails to faithfully execute our country’s immigration laws. Your attempted halt on almost all deportations would increase the cost to Texas caused by illegal immigration. DHS itself has previously acknowledged that such a ‘pause on . . . removals’ will cause ‘concrete injuries to Texas.’”

The Biden Administration didn’t go quietly as they argued that the previous Administration’s power was still being put to use as a new President was being sworn in. In just, they don’t believe Trump’s laws should still be enforced with Biden in office. Again, this has nothing to do with the safety of a nation, the Democrats only want to destroy everything that Trump built.

As Paxton said, the current influx of illegal immigrants would be disastrous to border states like Texas. If left unchecked, the immigration problem could grow out of hand and become even worse than before. But again, this isn’t what the Democrats are worried about. They don’t care about immigration. It all has to do with tearing down the pillars Trump erected while he was President.