- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Predictions Of Weekend Riots Don’t Pan Out

Law enforcement and military sources are relieved there were virtually no problems with weekend violence last Saturday and Sunday. They are not so sure about the scenario on inauguration day and not certain where any violence would come from, as groups of many ideologies are known to be present in DC. Even the DC National Guard is not above suspicion.


FNC: “Small groups of right-wing protesters — some of them carrying rifles — gathered outside heavily fortified statehouses around the country Sunday, outnumbered by National Guard troops and police brought in to prevent a repeat of the violence that erupted at the U.S. Capitol. As darkness fell, there were no reports of any clashes. Security was stepped up in recent days after the FBI warned of the potential for armed protests in Washington and at all 50 state capitol buildings ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration Wednesday. Crowds of only a dozen or two demonstrated at some boarded-up, cordoned-off statehouses, while the streets in many other state capitals remained empty. Some protesters said they were there to back President Donald Trump. Others said they had instead come to voice their support for gun rights or decry government overreach.”

“I don’t trust the results of the election,” said Martin Szelag, a 67-year-old semi-retired window salesman from Dearborn Heights, Michigan. He wore a sign around his neck that read, “We will support Joe Biden as our President if you can convince us he won legally. Show us the proof! Then the healing can begin.”

This publication has spoken to, in condition of anonymity, Annapolis law enforcement. Annapolis is the state capitol of Maryland. This publication has also spoken to, again on a background basis, members of the DC National Guard. They all tell essentially the same story of this last weekend. Nothing much happened. But they are ready for heightened tensions on inauguration day.

“We were here. Didn’t see much. A couple of people here and there, but we had the whole area sealed off. We were glad there was no trouble,” said an Annapolis Police Officer.

“Things were fine during the weekend. But my worry is on Wednesday. Some of these groups are crazy. Not sure what to expect,” said a member of the DC National Guard. “We’ve got a lot of firepower, personnel, and machinery. If anybody tries anything they won’t like the outcome. I can promise you that.”