- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

WATCH: Biden Gets Asked Hard Question About Paint Jobs

If Trump’s Presidency taught us anything, it is that the media is controlled by the cancel culture and more importantly – the Democrats. Over the past four years, President Trump and his Administration have come under fire for all sorts of accusations. And while most of them come to have no base in reality, the media continued to push them. So, it would only be normal for Biden to be treated the same, given his dark past in politics. But as you are about to see, that just isn’t the case.

Given that it was Biden’s first day, you believe there would be a plethora of questions about what the future holds for America or how he plans on fighting the coronavirus. America is still waiting on that one. But the media decided to not ask those questions because the world has to know about Air Force One. That’s right, in the video below, a reporter gets the chance to ask a hard-hitting question to the President and she asks if Biden will keep the same color scheme on Air Force One. Go ahead and watch for yourself.

Just fantastic, the same media that believe that Jeffery Epstein really killed himself is now in charge of reporting the facts. What happened to all that hard-hitting journalism that went into uncover Trump’s past? It is now spent on making Biden and his Administration look great. But not all journalists are on board with the new agenda.

The topic of abortion comes up when one reporter decides to know what Biden’s stance on the matter is. For years, the left has lobbied for abortion to be not only legal but covered by the government. So, what happens when the reports ask this? He gets shut down.

Instead of given a fair answer, the reporter is left with a story on how Biden was raised a devote catholic and how he practices his religion almost every day. But what about the topic of abortions? His press secretary decided to reiterate how much the President loves church and how he even attended it that very morning before starting his day.

There has yet to be an answer given to where Biden stands on the matter of abortion and what he will do about the matter while President.