- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

WATCH: Democrats Rejoice As Democracy Crumbles

Although shocking, what happened at Capitol Hill yesterday shouldn’t be all that surprising. This is what happens when you don’t hold fair elections, release factual news, and represent the people who put you in power. Even now, the media wants to spin that it was only Trump supporters at Capitol Hill, but as you are about to see in the video below, BLM and ANTIFA were also present and engaged in illegal activity alongside Trump supporters.

This isn’t a party problem. This is a political one. Yesterday wasn’t an attack on American democracy, it was a cry from the people that we will not sit idly by as Democracy is stolen from us. In the video below, find out the real facts about yesterday, including who was there and why.


Why isn’t it all that surprising, maybe because for the past four years, the Democrats and media have attacked a sitting President? What happened to stand by the President no matter what. For the last four years, the President has been chastised for every move he makes. It doesn’t matter that he helped bring troops home, make America 1st again, or even fixed the economy. None of that matters to the media, they only want what they can sell, and sadly that is doom and gloom.

While the media decided to go to war for Donald Trump calling them what they are – fake news. They let the Democrats go unchecked for four years. It didn’t matter what they did or who they encouraged (BLM), the media was silent because it didn’t revolve around Trump.

Fast forward to now and people are so confused about what to believe. On one side you have clear socialism and on the other, you have patriots trying to fight for the freedoms of tomorrow. So, when the media claims there was a siege on Democracy, that is just another lie. Yesterday was a statement from a group of people, from all walks of life, saying they are not going to take being pushed around as pawns anymore.

Although the Democrats might have won Washington, which is what they wanted in the first place – look at what America has become. The country once bustling with opportunity is now teetering on the brink of collapse. this will be their legacy.