- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Democrats Set To Pack Supreme Court

Thursday morning Democrat senators will propose a bill to raise the number of Supreme Court justices from nine to thirteen. They plan to push through the next four justices during this Congress, thus destroying the fairly nominated and confirmed present conservative majority on the high court. The number of nine justices is not set forth in the Constitution, but in 19th century law.

FNC: “Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Reps. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., Hank Johnson, D-Ga., and Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., will hold a press conference on Thursday to introduce the proposal on the steps of the Supreme Court…Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, introduced legislation earlier this year that included a constitutional amendment to preserve the current number of sitting justices, as well as provisions prohibiting congress from passing legislation to expand the number.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, said “every option” was needed to enable the Democrats to pack the Supreme Court. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, in October tweeted, “expand the court.”

We have seen the Biden administration and the Democrats limit gun rights. We have seen them propose a massive funding of socialism under the guise of infrastructure. We see them turn a blind eye as rioters and looters roam the streets. We watch them open our borders to fill battleground states with illegal voters to lock themselves into power. Now, the one bulwark that could stand in their way comes under their malevolent gaze. And if they show complete party discipline, if no patriotic Democrat will stand up to Biden, Pelosi, and AOC, they will have the votes to pack the court and America will forever be different in a catastrophic way. We will, in essence, be a one party state like Venezuela, Cuba, or North Korea. It will take time. But they are laying the groundwork now.

As Professor Tim Blessing of Alvernia University has said, “Once upon a time in America, the essence of civil restraint, fallibility, civic values, and, yes, optimism were passed on through churches, coffee-shops, the publishing of many different and disparate newspapers, and the few synagogues available. Both the reasonable and the unreasonable had the same underlying understanding of government and civic virtue…A shared tendency towards decency and practicality was also our common heritage.” No longer. As you read this the Democrats are getting ready to make civic virtue a remnant of a distant past.

For if they control all the levers of the federal government the Founders’ idea of checks and balances, that one faction would never get total power, would be gone. And they know the numbers are so close now, a tied Senate and a two vote majority in the House, they must push this through quickly, before they may lose Congress, if they allow themselves to lose, in 2022. Will any Democrat stand up to this potential tyranny? Time will tell.