- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Democrats Should Be Giving Tax Credits for NOT Having Kids

Do you have any idea how much carbon dioxide that children spew into the environment? 


But do Democrats care? No. They are too busy targeting cows.

If the climate change hoax was actually real, Democrats wouldn’t be paying people for having children. They’d be paying us NOT to have children.

Human beings, as the Dems tell us constantly, are a strain on our planet and the limited resources that we have available.

Democrats in the House of Representatives recently reintroduced a bill called the “American Family Act [1]” to permanently expand the child tax credit as part of Biden’s next recovery plan. They want to give out the money to parents on a monthly basis.

The legislation seems a little backwards if the Democrats are concerned at all about the planet and all the precious resources that ankle biters are using as they grow into adulthood. 

There’s the carbon dioxide they will be expelling.

There’s all the fossil fuel and fossil fuel products they’ll be using.

There’s all the plastic they’ll be discarding that will end up in our oceans killing fish and seals and polar bears.

There’s all the trash they will be sending to landfills.

There’s all the products they will buy that come from Chinese labor camps and slave labor all over the world.

As a childless planet-lover, I should be praised and rewarded for not bringing any parasitic offspring into the world. Where is my tax credit?????

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on April 29, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [2] and is used by permission.

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