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Rep. Nancy Mace Nails Biden Infrastructure Proposal

Rep. Nancy Mace, Republican of South Carolina, has become a thorn in the side of the hard left. The articulate and telegenic House freshman knows what Democrats are up to and regularly rains on their parades. Here, she goes after the Biden infrastructure proposal, which she rightly sees as a Trojan horse for the Green New Deal.

Mace: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength, and 2+2 equals 5. George Orwell warned us of doublespeak 72 years ago. Yet today, some of my colleagues on the left and President Biden are using this tactic in a desperate attempt to sell their disastrous ‘infrastructure’ package. One tweet from a New York senator even claimed child care and caregiving are infrastructure.

“Respectfully, no, they are not. Nor is approximately 85% of the $2 trillion monstrosity Biden released last week and dubbed ‘infrastructure.’ As a new member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in Congress, and as the new representative of a district in need of funding for roads, bridges and ports, I’m disturbed by the left’s hijacking of the bipartisan issue of infrastructure and their work to morph it into a socialist wish list.  Some of the components of Biden’s ‘infrastructure’ plan are just absurd.

“The proposal includes $20 billion to advance racial equity and environmental justice. I’m not entirely sure what that means, or what the government is supposed to spend $20 billion on to make sure these vague goals are achieved, but I do know it has nothing to do with infrastructure. The plan incorporates large swaths of the socialist ‘Green New Deal,’ which remains firmly planted on the brains and wish lists of socialists in the House and Senate despite both Congress and voters rejecting the bill.

“For example, $175 billion – nearly 10% of the package – is dedicated to subsidizing electric vehicles. Another $100 billion is allocated to building new public schools to make school lunches “Greener.” There is $50 billion is set aside for the National Science Foundation, and $200 billion is meant to green up and fix our power grid, the one that we just overloaded with the $174 billion in electric car subsidies. The total spending on Green New Deal style waste could end up being nearly half of the bill.  Far-left Democrats and the Biden administration have been using this tactic all year, most recently passing a COVID ‘relief’ package in which nearly 90% of the money allocated had absolutely nothing to do with relief, all while our national debt continues to mount. Most Americans would reject these mammoth packages if they actually knew a majority of the spending goes toward advancing unrelated, far-left priorities…All this plus they plan on raising your taxes in the middle of a pandemic to do so. They’re not going to stop unless we make them. They’re not going to stop unless enough people with sense and courage stand up and say, ‘No.’ ”

This piece was written by David Kamioner on April 14, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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