- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Biden Calls For Investigation Into COVID-19 Day After Canceling Trump’s Probe

Since stealing the election, Joe Biden has done everything in his power to undo all the progressive steps former President Donald Trump made. Most recently, the Biden administration decided to cancel an investigation into where COVID-19 originated from. According to Trump, the virus most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, but while the Democrats claim otherwise, mounting pressure caused President Biden to release a statement asking the U.S. intelligence community to double the efforts of the investigation. 

Although Biden canceled the original investigation into the COVID-19 origin, his new report, which was written by U.S. intelligence agencies, details two likely scenarios that caused the virus to turn into a pandemic. One scenario is that the virus originally emerged from human contact or an infected animal. This claim has been the main driving point for the Democratic party, allowing them to issue lockdowns and mask mandates. But according to another scenario, the coronavirus could have leaked from a “laboratory accident”. 

For more than a year, Trump and the Republican party have presented the theory that the virus most likely came from an accidental leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Even with concrete evidence being presented, the Democrats and their liberal voters ignored the warnings and even claimed Trump’s supposed racism led to the Anti-Chinese propaganda. 

Still, President Biden instructed the intelligence community to present a definitive conclusion by the end of 90 days. He also pleaded with the Chinese government to fully cooperate, saying, “The United States will also keep working with like-minded partners around the world to press China to participate in a full, transparent, evidence-based international investigation and to provide access to all relevant data and evidence.” 

Although it appears that Biden is finally taking a bold stance, it should be noted that many administration officials and experts claim that the end result of the investigation, no matter what it finds – will ultimately not change a thing. 

So even though the president is pressuring experts on the origin of COVID-19, the investigation is nothing more than a publicity stunt to silence critics and allow Democrats to spread more fear and propaganda surrounding the pandemic.