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Democrat DHS Stops Testing Illegal Immigrants For Covid

Just when the nation is starting to emerge from the Covid nightmare, just when some states are easing restrictions or lifting them altogether, a new threat comes from the Southern border, a threat predicted by Donald Trump over a year ago.

Joe Biden’s DHS has stopped testing illegal immigrants for COVID-19. Because of this and the flood of illegals entering this country through the Southern border, the US is at risk of falling back into severe COVID-19 restrictions and an attendant injury to our slowly recovering economy.

Why is this? Because the Biden administration will spare no expense, no public health catastrophe, and no political cost to bring illegal aliens into this country, aliens they intend to turn into Democrat voters, legal or not.

Democrats at the state level have no problem with increased COVID-19 exposure, as it allows them to continue their authoritarian rule over their populations, using COVID-19 as a pretext for a power hungry state to increase its sway. A Democrat mayor in Texas is calling the bluff of the Biden administration on these topics, as he rejects the Biden DHS absurd assertion that the border is closed.


FNC: “The Democratic mayor of Del Rio, Texas said Wednesday that he believes that the U.S. southern border is ‘wide open’ for illegal immigrants, despite insistence from the Biden administration claiming the opposite. During an appearance on ‘Fox & Friends,’ Bruno Lozano reacted to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ Tuesday comment, reiterating that the ‘border is closed.’

‘I would very much disagree with that statement,’ Lozano said. ‘The way that it’s been handling or being managed—it seems to be wide open for unlawful entry into the United States.’ Lozano said that he had reached out to the administration for help regarding the influx of migrants, but was told repeatedly that the border is ‘under control.’ Pointing to statistics indicating that there was a 393% increase in border crossings in the 2021 fiscal year, Lozano said he could not understand the administration’s assertion.”

Lozano said it was “peculiar” that there are different standards for US citizens compared to illegal aliens regarding COVID testing. He said that Dr. Alex Eastman, CWMD’s Senior Medical Officer for DHS Operations, called him and said that the department could no longer “legally” administer COVID-19 tests to illegal migrants.

Eastman said he would “collaborate” with the city of Del Rio, allowing them to set up COVID testing on illegal migrants. Recently a Biden administration official said that when minors arrive at CBP stations they are not tested forthwith, even though 10 percent of children will test positive for the virus soon afterwards, according to HHS. This is how COVID-19 is spreading again. This is how our nation is in danger from yet another Biden administration policy.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on May 13, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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