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Leo Terrell Nails Critical Race Theory

Fox pundit Leo Terrell appeared on FNC on Tuesday and slammed the concept of critical race theory. As well he should.


Terrell: “I want to be very clear to the Fox viewers. The implementation of the critical race theory would be government-sponsored racism. You stated it already. It’s not grounded in fact. It is a lie. And yet I just heard that clip where the proponent of the critical race theory is lying about the implementation and truthfulness. It’s not grounded in fact. This country was not motivated to have a revolution based on slavery. That is a lie…

“I don’t see [critical race theory] in our Declaration of Independence, in our Constitution, in the Articles of Confederation, in the Constitutional Convention. This is a lie. They’re trying to equate critical race theory, unfounded by any fact, with what facts we have known for hundreds of years…

You’re pushing down critical race theory to our young people. You’re teaching them how to hate each other based on skin color, not content, not qualifications, not skill. This is a threat to America’s society because it affects our young people.”

The ironic thing about critical race theory is that it sets back decades of progress on civil rights while claiming to be advancing the concept.

Critical race theory goes by a lot of names. Reverse racism, BLM, Frankfurt School Marxism, etc. All have at their core a hatred based on class and color. All want advantages given to their specific class and color, while denying equality before the law to others who do not meet their class and color qualifications for preferment.

This, of course, is much the same program we have seen in the Democrat Party for almost 200 years. In slavery, Jim Crow, and now Democrat-sponsored critical race theory, one race is found superior to another. The Klu Klux Klan and the Third Reich, while not sharing in Democrat targeting, profess much the same ideas. That Marxist racism is usually extended to an active denunciation of the Western world and of democratic capitalism in general.

These anti-capitalists, these Starbucks Leninists, run their game from their mansions, as in the case of the BLM founder, or communicate to the world from their iPhones. That both luxury housing and cell phones are wholly products of capitalism does not seem to bother them. As we have previously noted, hypocrisy is acceptable to them for the greater goal of political control.

Summed up, critical race theory, as the brilliant and lovely Candace Owens tweets above, is “the new Jim Crow.” Like Jim Crow it denigrates and humiliates on the basis of race. But there is another similarly. Jim Crow had a short shelf life when people came to their senses on race in the 60s and 70s.

But the subsequent race hustling, as in critical race theory, should not blind us as to the credibility of the earlier cause of legitimate civil rights for all Americans. If we fall into that trap, the race hatred the critical race types promote will gain ground and America will be the worse for it.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on May 6, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette [2] and is used by permission.

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