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Parents Read Porn at School Board Meeting Straight from Books the School Board Has Approved

Schools across America are trying to get rid of “racist” books such as To Kill a Mockinbird and Dr. Seuss books but have absolutely no problem whatsoever brining porn into their classrooms.

Some parents in Virginia have had it with the leftists in their school who are offering up Critical Race Theory teachings and porn to their kids.

In Loudoun County Virginia, parents recently showed up at the school board meeting, pushing back [1] against what’s going on in their schools.

And white parents aren’t the only ones who think the CRT teachings are racist (even if Juan Williams rolls his eyes when that is mentioned on Fox News’ The Five). 

A parent at this school board meeting, Chantel Cooper, who is a person of color, said, “CRT is not an honest dialogue. It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the KKK. CRT is racist. It is abusive. It discriminates against one’s color. Ban CRT. We don’t want your political advertisement to divide our children or belittle them.”

Parents also were incredulous that the school had many books available to the high school students that contained pornography. They made large posters of the words from the books and read them aloud, much to the embarrassment and chagrin of the board members.

These books come from an “Equity Library” and have sexually explicit language. One book even contains a book where a man beats a female, puts her in a closet and continues to beat her.

Here are some excerpts that were read from the books at the school board meeting and are available for the students to read [2].

“Her top lip curled up. ‘Wait a minute, is that what was really going on? She did your homework and you (ate) her c****ie!…”

“Darrell, didn’t you f*** my sister”

“I tiptoed toward the door, peering through the window at the boy – his pants around his ankles – squeezed between April’s straddled legs as she lay on top of a teacher’s desk.”

“They so cooped, up, the older brother and sister started having sex.”

“Jasper wasn’t even my boyfriend. Just some dude I did some hacking with once in a while. He was pretty basic library-systems, low security s***. Not in my league at all but he had a bid d*** and sometimes a girl just needs a big d***.”

Parent Patti Menders said, “If this is inappropriate for me to read to you, this is inappropriate for our children. We are here because we care. We care about our children. Please get these dirty books out of our schools.”

Not surprisingly, there is a petition to get rid of the despicable board members at this school (all white) who are sanctioning racism and pornography in the schools and it’s already on track to be quite successful.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on May 17, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [3] and is used by permission.

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