Unity might be at the forefront of the Democrat’s so-called plan for America, but their actions since taking control of the White House have proven anything but togetherness. If anything, it appears the left is trying to strip away the pillars that make this country great. First, they try to push critical race theory on children, teaching them to hate each other due to skin color. Then it was attacking July 4th celebrations, claiming COVID-19 surges as the reason. Now, a mayor in Colorado has announced that the Pledge of Allegiance will no longer be recited in trustee meetings. Oh, did I forget to mention this all happened on Flag Day? 

Making the announcement on June 14, Mayor Shane Fuhrman of Silverton, Colorado claimed that he would no longer be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance during meetings. His reasoning was due to threats he received both in and out of public meetings. Fuhrman stated, “Due to direct and indirect threats, inappropriate comments in and out of public meetings, and general divisiveness and issues created in our community, we will not be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance during Town of Silverton trustee meetings.”

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Apparently, the decision to ax the Pledge of Allegiance has been somewhat of a hot topic in the community as one of the Trustees quickly fought back on the censorship. Still, the mayor stood by his statement, claiming, “If you’d like to find somewhere in the code, something that doesn’t permit me to do this, then I welcome that discussion at our next meetings.”

While Fuhrman might know the code in his city, he was drawing a blank when asked about the threats he has been receiving. But by then, the meeting was out of his control as several members of the public stood and started reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. What’s even more outrageous is the fact that Fuhrman tried to stop them by raising his voice. Still, like the Democrats will learn – you can’t silence freedom. 

Sadly, this isn’t the first time the mayor has tried removing the pledge. Trustee Molly Barela recalled Fuhrman taking the decision to a vote, which he lost 4/3. Still, the mayor took it on himself to overrule democracy and make his own rules.