- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Pres. Biden Snaps At CNN Reporter For Doing Her Job

For his entire presidency, Donald Trump was absolutely lambasted by every media outlet. It didn’t matter how hard he worked for America, or how much he protected and cared about its citizens, the media was dead set on ruining his legacy. But since Joe Biden has taken office, reporters have changed their tune, embracing the President. Who could forget reporters famously asking him his favorite ice cream? Well, even with their childlike care it appears President Biden isn’t happy with the press as he recently snapped at a reporter for doing their job. 

It should come as no surprise that the G7 Summit was a complete disaster for Biden. He couldn’t help but feel out of place as he fumbled his words and even used a cheat sheet when meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin. And the stress seems to be getting to Biden as he blasted CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins for asking a pretty straightforward question. Not to mention, it’s CNN, they constantly glorify the man who stole the 2020 election from the American people. 

Still, on Wednesday, Biden was attending a press conference when Collins asked how he was confident Putin would change his behavior. Biden appeared agitated, saying, “I’m not confident that he will change his behavior. What the hell? What do you do all the time? When did I say I was confident? What I said was, what will change their behavior is if the rest of the world reacts to them and it diminishes their standing in the world,” Biden continued. “I’m not confident of anything; I’m just stating the facts.”

The press conference would continue to spiral downwards as Biden seemed to be more annoyed with each passing question. Finally, towards the end of the conference, Biden snapped again when he said, “How does that account to a constructive meeting as President Putin framed it? If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business.”

Later, when boarding Air Force One, Biden had a change of heart for his attitude. “I owe my last questioner an apology. I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy with the last answer I gave.” But that still doesn’t mean it was Biden’s fault as he went on to actually blame the reporter. “To be a good reporter you have to be negative. You never ask a positive question.”