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NBC’s Chuck Todd Unwittingly Admits To Liberal Bias In Media

In referring to Republicans as “critics” and making it clear that he views them as the opposition, NBC anchor Chuck Todd confirms the very liberal bias in the media he is trying to dismiss.

For at least sixty years the American press has been biased for the Left and the Democrats. What they did to Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, the Bushes, and especially Trump makes their leftist bias a foregone conclusion. In the interview below, even a fellow liberal confirms it. So, does Todd really trust his own words?


Well, he could be so delusional he, as the DC saying goes, believes his own press releases. But probably not. He knows it’s the company line and he’s sticking to it. The issue is, he does it so badly, with absolutely no relation to reality.

FNC: “NBC News anchor Chuck Todd dismissed the notion that there is a liberal bias in the media as a Republican talking point that has been repeated so many times that the left now believes it – but he wishes his mainstream media colleagues fought back to combat the theory.”

Todd: “I think objectivity and fairness are not the same thing in some ways. You can’t define objectivity as sort of being equal, that we know. You can’t balance the truth, that we know,” Todd told The Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel.

“So you have to be fair and have an open mind. Where we did get lost in this, and this sort of happened to mainstream media in particular, is that we did let Republican critics get in our heads, right? The Republicans have been running on, ‘There’s a liberal bias in the media,’” Todd said. “If you say something long enough, there are liberals who say there’s a liberal bias in the media when you see polling now.”

“I think I’m one of those liberals,” Patel responded. “Right. The point is, if you say it enough, a lot of people believe it,” Todd said.

“The Republicans have subsumed all of this and it’s turned into this. We should have fought back better in the mainstream media. We shouldn’t [have] accepted the premise that there was liberal bias. We should have defended. I hear the attacks on fact checkers where they ‘fact-check Republicans six times more than they fact-check Democrats.’ Yeah. Perhaps the Republicans are being factually incorrect more often than the Democrats.” Yeah, absolutely no bias in that paragraph. Nope, none at all.


“We ended up in this both-sides trope. We bought into the idea that, oh my God, we’re perceived as having a liberal bias,” he said. It’s just not a perception, but a fact this very interview confirms. Todd, as so often leftists do, tries to make a case and instead shoots himself in the foot. Par for the course.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on July 30, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette [5] and is used by permission.