- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Press Secretary Claims Biden Would Support States With More Lockdowns Over COVID-19 Spikes

Just as Americans thought it was safe to go back outside and finally take those useless masks, the Democrats and their so-called health experts are claiming there is a new variant of COVID-19. Just like the first pandemic, the left is already preparing to run and hide just like they did a year ago. It was President Joe Biden himself who decided to stop campaigning and hid in his basement while Americans searched for answers. And it appears his stance on lockdowns hasn’t changed as White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden would “certainly support” any measure, including lockdowns, to help keep Americans safe. 


While keeping Americans safe is the point of a President, many health experts claimed the only thing the lockdowns did was cripple the economy. It took three rounds of stimulus checks to get it remotely back to working order. Still, Psaki said, “States are going to have to make evaluations and local communities are going to have to make evaluations about what’s in their interest. And, as you know, there are much higher rates of vaccinations in some parts of the country over others, and we certainly support their decisions to implement any measures that they think will help their communities [be] safe.”

According to the host of The Rubin Report, Dave Rubin, Psaki’s statement isn’t about keeping people safe but throwing America into another government-controlled lockdown. “She’s already laying the groundwork for the federal government and the Biden administration to endorse states doing more lockdowns. I guarantee you it’s coming, guys … more lockdowns are coming. Of course, they’re coming because the last year and a half was a test of how quickly would we all fold and basically we folded quicker than a wet paper bag.


Rubin also pointed out that it doesn’t matter who has the power, local or federal, when it comes to lockdowns – they don’t work in the first place. “The point is not whether the states should have the power, or the federal government should have the power … the point is [lockdowns] do not work. And not only do they not work, we know that once you give these people the power to shut down businesses, to say you have to be at home … and the rest of the nonsense, they will gladly keep taking the power.”