- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Marxists Run Minneapolis Democrats

In case you’re wondering if Marxists have influence in the Democrat Party, here’s your answer. The head of the party in a major American city, no doubt there is more of his type in other cities, has embraced violence and socialist revolution as legitimate forms of political protest. Violence and socialist revolution. This is who they are.


FNC: “The chair of the Minneapolis Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party is defending a recent op-ed in which he argued that rioters’ burning of the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct headquarters last year was an “act of pure righteousness” in their minds and a ‘genuine revolutionary moment.’ In an Aug. 2 opinion piece for Southside Pride, a local monthly newspaper, titled The cops started it, Minneapolis DFL Chair Devin Hogan argued that the burning of the Third Precinct on May 28, 2020, three days after George Floyd’s death in the same city, was a ‘proportional response’ to the treatment of Black people by police. Four men have since been sentenced to prison and ordered to pay millions in restitution over their roles in the precinct’s burning.”

Hogan: “They killed George Floyd and took every opportunity to escalate, agitate and make things worse. The cops are rioting and the people are responding. Like it or not, setting the Third Precinct on fire was a genuine revolutionary moment. An act of pure righteousness to open new worlds of understanding. The people declared themselves ungovernable and unilaterally took their power back. The largest international human rights movement in modern history had begun. The youth of Minneapolis carried all of this. The cops started it…The call from the streets was genuine liberation, truly and finally. The work continues until that day comes,” he continued. “Eyes on the prize. Remember the demand of the streets. The blood and treasure spent. This is our job. Minneapolis must answer the call. For real this time. For real for real. Do it for the kids.” Wow. Not only Marxism, but very confused Marxism riddled with weird cliches.

Minnesota DFL Chair Ken Martin hit Hogan, saying his comments “do not reflect the views of the Minnesota DFL Party or the Minneapolis DFL Party, and they certainly do not reflect the views of any elected officials in our party with whom I have spoken.” Points for the state poobah. However, of course they reflect the views of the city party. Hogan is the bloody chairman. And notice the qualification in “…whom I have spoken.” Basically an admission by Martin that his party is infested with Marxists.


U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer, R-MN, shot back, writing, “More proof Democrats only care about advancing their radical agenda, not the safety of Americans. There’s no denying it – Democrats are following Devin Hogan, John Thompson, & Cori Bush’s lead to defund the police.”