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Delaware Joe F’s Up the Country and Then Goes to Beach Home for the Weekend

Amid a humanitarian, COVID-19, sex trafficking and drug crisis at the border, Delaware Joe decided that he needed a vacay [1] from the tireless job of destroying the country and relaxed at his beach home in Delaware over the weekend.

It’s serious and relentless business trying to destroy the longest-standing democracy on earth and old Joe needed a break.


Even though the 78-year-old president is only a puppet president, it’s still very hard work answering one or two scheduled questions a week from his friends, reading the teleprompter when he’s out in public and nodding yes to his progressive radical bosses when they tell him what to do. 

According to Delaware Online, Joe arrived by helicopter at his beach home on Friday afternoon (yes, he didn’t even work the whole day) at Gordons Pond near Rehoboth Beach. 

He’s not expected to leave until Monday as the flight restrictions remain in place for the area until noon.

There was also no press briefing scheduled on Friday so I guess the tired, overworked lyin’ Jen Psaki got an early vacay as well.

It’s not surprising that Joe took off, abandoning the country in the middle of crisis after crisis. He didn’t seem to have a problem abandoning Americans to terrorists in Afghanistan. 

Cut-and-run Biden starts a fire and then he just takes off. That’s his presidential M.O.

Biden had to get away from his tough week with the humanitarian crisis at the border with more than 14,000 illegals gathering under the Del Rio bridge in Texas; the revelation that he didn’t drone an ISIS leader – he killed ten civilians including an aid worker and seven kids; he didn’t get his COVID-19 boosters approved; Milley was exposed for being a traitorous piece of crap; France pulled their ambassador to the US from Washington, and Afghanistan is still a FUBAR.

Biden’s plate of failure is overflowing and the radicals running the country plan more servings to come.

And even though Biden and the democrats are actively destroying this great country every day, his polling numbers are not as low as they should be. 


The new Reuters/Ipsos poll [4] shows that 44% of adults in the United States approve of Biden’s performance in office. 

That means that 44% of our population is either extremely ignorant – or they are evil and support the destruction of our freedoms, wealth, democracy and safety.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on September 19, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [5] and is used by permission.