- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Future Terrorist Attacks Will Be Because Biden Lost Afghanistan

If, and it’s only a matter of time now, America is attacked at home or abroad by Islamist terror groups, a prime cause will be the recent acquisition of arms and safe haven by the Taliban. This is only logical.


What is not logical is knowing this, as no doubt our national security leadership did, and still allowing it to happen. If, best case scenario, it’s only massive incompetence, then we could be paying for this geopolitical blunder for generations, as various terror groups use Afghanistan as a staging ground for their operations. A CIA psychologist has the same view.

FNC: “The CIA psychologist who helped design a program to interrogate the accused mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks says the recent withdrawal from Afghanistan ‘puts us more at risk.’

Dr. James Mitchell criticized the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan before Aug. 31 as the nation marks 20 years since 9/11 and said the Taliban will likely place blame for future attacks on other terror groups.”

“We’ve given them arms and money and a safe haven for planning the attacks,” Mitchell said. “I don’t know what we were thinking.”

“In terms of responding to any attack that comes out of the Taliban, they’re going to probably try to distance themselves from that,” he said of the terror group. “You may remember that the Taliban told Biden that ‘we won’t attack your people,’ and then let ISIS attack and kill those 13 Marines. … The suggestion that we can treat the people that want to impose Sharia law on the world as if they were an ordinary government is, I think, naive.”

“We need to get the families that were stranded out of there,” the medical psychologist said. “I think we should put every effort that we can into saving American citizens from what’s going on there. I think that the people responsible for doing that ought to be ashamed of themselves.”


Mitchell described the Taliban as “trained to resist interrogation” and even if captured would not betray any future terrorist attacks planned against the United States. He believes Sharia law and democracy “can’t coexist.” And thus, only one, in the end, will prove victorious.