- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Bidenflation Pushes Dollar Tree to Sell Items for More Than a Dollar

The Dollar Tree has always had a single theme – everything that you buy in their store is a dollar. 

It has been pretty easy to shop there and know exactly what you would owe when you walked out the door. Buy 10 items, pay $10 plus tax. Buy 30 items, pay $30 plus tax.


No more.

After 28 years of being in business, the 15,000+ Dollar Tree [2] stores can no longer afford to sell all of their merchandise for only a dollar due to Biden’s anti-business policies, his war on American oil and inflation.

In fact, MOST items at most stores will NOT be sold for a dollar in the future. 

I think it’s time to change their name. 

Maybe to “The Biden Sucks Store” or the “Sorry Joe Has Made us Screw You out of a Good Deal” outlet.

Thanks to Biden and the democrat mob and their insane economic “policies” in response to COVID-19 (and just being idiots in general), there are less truck drivers to deliver the goods, less workers at stores and higher gas prices to deliver the goods that stores can get.

Congratulations, democrats. When you screw up the country, you really do a great job in every area possible, especially for your own voting base, the poor and minorities you pretend to care about.

Due to the democrat war on business and the ever-shrinking inventory of available goods at a decent price, here are some other name change suggestions for the future as Biden continues to Build America Back Worse…

Big Lots = Small Lots

Target = Off Target

The Home Depot = The Shed Depot

Ikea = Ik (can’t afford the e and the a anymore – and quality will be plummeting)

Overstock = Out of Stock


This piece was written by Liberty Paige on October 1, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [4] and is used by permission.