- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Manchin Deals With Democrat Thugs

Moderate Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia didn’t give a bunch of hard Left demonstrators what they wanted on Thursday. They hoped he would cause a scene and they could milk it for public relations purposes. But no dice. Just as when they showed up at his houseboat, he just waited them out and they went away. Another failed operation by the childish thugs of the Democrat coalition.

FNC: “A group of climate change protesters boasted about blockading Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s car on Thursday, accusing the moderate lawmaker of trying to run them over in his attempt to drive through a parking garage. The senator has also gotten attention for the vehicle he was driving.

The clip shows a group of protesters standing in front of and behind a luxury vehicle in a parking garage, holding a banner while at least one person leaned on the vehicle’s hood. Others filmed themselves while yelling at the driver. The constant sound of a car horn can be heard throughout but it was not clear if it was Manchin honking.”

Oh please. This is an old trick. Start a fight and then when someone tries to protect themself yell, “Omg, he’s trying to kill me!” The French have a phrase for it, “Cet animal est très méchant, Quand on l’attaque il se défend.”  It means: “This animal is very bad; when you attack it, it defends itself.” Here is the Bolshevik pathetic attempt at this gambit.

“This is Joe Manchin’s car slowly pressing into our peaceful protesters,” a person says. “We want to live! We want to live!”  That phrase, along with “F–k Joe Manchin,” is all they could come up. Not very likely to change Manchin’s mind, but guaranteed to get him sympathy. Way to go, geniuses. They also went after his houseboat.

“This action in front of his yacht club is to highlight that he is a bought-out politician,” said moron Kidus Girma of the Sunrise Movement. Gee, I wonder who funds the Sunrise Movement? You guessed it. George Soros. So, who is bought out by whom?