- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Biden Unintentionally Wishes For Auto-Eroticism

It’s getting to the point we can almost feel sorry for befuddled Joe Biden. A caller on a recent NORAD Christmas outreach event finishes his conversation with Joe and his nurse/handler/wife/Edith Wilson by saying LGB to the chief executive.

What does Joe say in response? “Let’s go, Brandon. I agree.” Dear God. It’s like the current joke that has Jill Biden imploring, “Stop saying that! He thinks his name is Brandon.” So Biden agrees with a guy who is publicly wishing that Biden coits or gets coited likely not in a pleasant manner. Most people keep that kind of thing to themselves.

FNC: “A caller from Oregon who tagged on ‘Let’s go, Brandon’ when ending his Christmas Eve phone chat with President Biden last week now says he’s being ‘attacked’ for what he claims was a ‘joke.’

‘And now I am being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech’ Jared Schmeck, 35, a former Medford police officer, told The Oregonian newspaper Saturday. Schmeck said he has been receiving vague but threatening phone calls after his call to Biden on Friday was live-streamed and reported in the media.”

“He seems like he’s a cordial guy,” Schmeck said, referring to Biden. “There’s no animosity or anything like that. It was merely just an innocent jest to also express my God-given right to express my frustrations in a joking manner. … Schmeck added he “stood 100% behind what I did and what I said,” according to the paper.

“At the end of the day, I have nothing against Mr. Biden,” Schmeck said in the interview with The Oregonian, “but I am frustrated because I think he can be doing a better job. I mean no disrespect to him.”

As readers of this publication may know, I used to attend the same small Latin Rite Catholic Church with Biden in Wilmington, Delaware in 2015. He was always quiet at prayer and gracious in his dealings with fellow parishioners. I said hello to him a few times and he was always sharp and friendly in return.

That man, for whatever reason, has changed, at least in clarity of communication. It’s sad and frustrating. But here we are. He’s so far gone he unintentionally wishes for self copulation. Somebody adjust his meds.