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Media Turning On President They Put Into Office

The same people who engineered the election of Joe Biden, the leftist media, are now having buyer’s remorse. Tucker Carlson chronicles their gymnastics off the Titanic.

Carlson: For Joe Biden the past few months amounted to the greatest political disaster of his life. In his case that’s not a small place to be. This is a man with three failed presidential campaigns on his resume, but this year has been different. We don’t mean to overstate it, but you can pick your humiliating ashes and sackcloth world-historic defeat, Stalingrad, Corregidor, Gallipoli and that is pretty much where Joe Biden is right now politically.

Polls show him losing astounding levels of support from virtually every group of Americans who voted for him just a year ago. That would include Hispanics, moderate Democrats, African-Americans, and by big double digits, independents. At this point the White House is down to just two core constituencies: Anxious upper-income women with multiple college degrees and baron personal lives, and members of the national news media.

And even that might be overstating Biden’s support given that there is such dramatic overlap between those two groups. Essentially they are the same people. Now, because it can always get worse, Biden appears to be losing even the media. This is an ominous development. It’s not an exaggeration to say that if this trend continues, it is the end of the Biden presidency.

The media are the only reason Joe Biden is president and the first place. Biden didn’t campaign for the job, he didn’t hold rallies or give speeches or tell the public what he might do if elected. No, for nearly a year Joe Biden stayed home hiding in terror from infectious voters. Instead, he let news organizations make his case for him, which they did. The media hid Biden’s faults, they attacked and censored his critics. In general, they gave no hint at all that you might be electing a senile mannequin with a lifelong history of sleazy behavior. Voters had no clue, they didn’t know who Joe Biden actually was. And yet suddenly, news organizations have decided to tell them. It’s pretty amazing to watch it…

We are not alleging a potential conspiracy here. We don’t take horse dewormers. We’re not saying there was a secret conference call between Jeff Zucker and Joy Reid and the staff of The Atlantic magazine. Who would even want to endorse something like that? More likely it’s a conspiracy of instinct. For all the talk you hear of diversity, there is precisely zero diversity in our national media. People may have different skin tones or different sexual interests, but it’s not relevant.

They are all from such backgrounds with such similar beliefs and values and life experiences that their gut reactions to everything have aligned into perfect synchronicity. Like menstruating teenagers at summer camp, they speak as one, because on the deepest level they’re indistinguishable from each other.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on January 18, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [4] and is used by permission.

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Kamioner: Is Change Always Better? [5]
GOP Could Win Either Way on Filibuster [6]
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