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Rand And Rogan Booking On Big Tech

Conservatives have other social media options than YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Rand Paul and Joe Rogan know that and are hopefully triggering an avalanche.

FNC: “Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., penned an op-ed Monday announcing he’s embarking on an exodus from Big Tech, starting with YouTube, over what he describes as rampant censorship and an ‘almost religious adherence to the edicts of government bureaucrats.’

Paul complained that whenever he posts content that challenges the current White House narrative concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, no matter how well sourced and researched, YouTube deletes the videos. He saw his account suspended for a week in August for violating the site’s COVID-19 misinformation policy over a video claiming surgical masks and cloth masks don’t protect against the coronavirus.”

“Many in Congress, on the Left and the Right, want to break up or regulate Big Tech, but few of these loud voices have actually stepped up and quit using Big Tech,” Paul wrote in the Washington Examiner. “So today, I announce that I will begin an exodus from Big Tech. I will no longer post videos on YouTube unless it is to criticize them or announce that viewers can see my content on rumble.com. Why begin with YouTube? Because they’re the worst censors.

“The gall to delete constitutionally protected speech!” Paul wrote. “It is indeed ironic that the censors likely think of themselves as progressive but their actions are more suggestive of the diktats of the Medieval church. Think about it. In the U.S. in 2022, you are being told there are ideas or opinions that are too ‘dangerous’ for you to see. It is ‘disinformation’ they admonish, so if you want to stay on their platforms you must conform to their approved opinions.

“About half of the public leans right,” Paul wrote. “If we all took our messaging to outlets of free exchange, we could cripple Big Tech in a heartbeat. So, today I take my first step toward denying my content to Big Tech. Hopefully, other liberty lovers will follow.”

The Heritage Foundation put it this way. “Prominent personalities, including podcast host Joe Rogan and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., have announced plans to leave major social media platforms amid growing backlash over censorship.

Rogan announced late Sunday that he had started an account on alternative social media site Gettr, posting remarks critical of Twitter on the platform. ‘Just in case s— over at Twitter gets even dumber, I’m here now as well,” Rogan wrote. “Rejoice!’ ” He jumped to GETTR.

Republican House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy said in regards to the question, “It is clear any speech that does not fit Big Tech’s orthodoxy gets muzzled. Diversity of opinion is the lifeblood of our democracy. And yet that fundamental American value is under assault by Big Tech—entities that have amassed more power and more control over more speech than any other institution in history.”

This piece was written by David Kamioner on January 5, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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