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Will Texas Let Illegals Vote?

First New York, now, Texas? If illegals are allowed to vote in the Lone Star State then Republicans can hang up any chance at national office. It probably won’t happen. But the Left will try their best to flip Texas blue by this method. It’s always been the ultimate goal of the border security fight for Democrats. Chuck DeVore, of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, gives us a look.

DeVore: As one of his first acts, newly elected New York City Mayor Eric Adams allowed a measure to become law that gives some 800,000 foreign nationals the right to vote in city elections, so long as they’ve lived in the city for more than 30 days.

New York’s move follows San Francisco, where, in 2016, voters approved a ballot measure granting foreign nationals the franchise in school board elections if they were parents of a child attending a public school. The temporary measure was set to expire in 2021, but was made permanent last October in a unanimous vote by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Moves by two of America’s largest and most progressively left-wing cities no doubt have leftists in cities across the nation salivating at the prospect of expanding their voter base – and winning elections.

After California, Texas is America’s second-largest electoral prize. There are about 5 million immigrants in Texas – 17% of the population. Of those, about 2 million have become citizens with another million eligible to become naturalized. It’s estimated that, as of 2016, about 1.6 million illegal immigrants lived in Texas. Texas taxpayers pick up the tab for more than $850 million annually to provide medical services for illegal aliens, educate unaccompanied alien children, and jail criminal illegal aliens.

In Texas, the major city most likely to first pass an ordinance allowing foreign nationals to vote would be Austin, the state’s capital. And, among Austin’s mayor and 10 city council members, the most likely member to propose allowing foreigners to vote in city elections is left-wing council member Greg Casar. In a 2021 interview with far-left Jacobin Magazine, Casar noted that there are many immigrants in Austin, “…who have lived in the United States longer than I’ve been alive but continue to be denied their right to vote…” due to their immigration status.

Casar, a self-proclaimed socialist, is running for Congress in a fairly safe Democratic district stretching 90 miles from San Antonio to Austin. But first, he has to win the March primary and a likely May runoff against Democratic Texas State House Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, Rebecca J. Viagran, an eight-year veteran of the San Antonio City Council, and Carla-Joy Sisco. Casar would likely see proposing an ordinance granting the vote to noncitizens as a powerful tonic to lift himself past his rivals in a deep blue low turnout primary election.

Of such a city ordinance, Texas Secretary of State John B. Scott noted, “Texas Election Code Sec. 13.001 clearly states that in order to be eligible for voter registration in the State of Texas – including for voting any municipal or local elections – one must be a United States citizen. Any local government attempting to pass an ordinance allowing non-United States citizens to register to vote would be running afoul of Texas law. Texas law does not allow for a two-tiered voter registration system for state versus local elections, as is being pursued in New York.”

But, just as there can be no prior restraint of free speech, lawmakers are under no obligation to pass legal laws – they can pass anything they want with a proper majority – whether it survives constitutional muster is a separate issue.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on January 19, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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