Two female Russian journalists, one high profile, have turned on Russian despot Vladimir Putin. This is only the beginning, as Putin can’t cut off his people from foreign news. This trickle could become a flood.

FNC: “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy personally thanked the Russian reporter who interrupted live state TV coverage to wave a ‘No War’ sign in front of the camera in protest of the invasion of Ukraine during one of his video addresses Tuesday.

During the evening broadcast on Channel One Russia, the most prominent news network in the country, a woman identified as editor Marina Ovsyannikova rushed onto the set standing behind the anchor and chanted in Russian, ‘No to war! Stop the war!’ She held a sign that read in Russian, ‘Stop the war! Don’t believe propaganda! They’re lying to you here!’ with “Russians against war” printed in English, before the channel quickly cut away.”

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“I am grateful to those Russians who don’t stop trying to convey the truth,” President Zelenskyy said. “To those who fight disinformation and tell the truth, real facts to their friends and loved ones. And personally to the woman who entered the studio of Channel 1 with a poster against the war.

“To those who are not afraid to protest, as long as your country has not completely closed itself from the world, turning into a very large North Korea, you must fight. You must not lose your chance.”

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In a statement regarding her protest, Ovsyannikova said, “What’s happening in Ukraine is a crime and Russia is the aggressor. And there is only one person responsible for this, this man is Vladimir Putin. My father is Ukrainian, and my mother is Russian, they have never been enemies…Russia must immediately stop this war and our brotherly nations can still come together…Sadly, I’ve been working on the First Channel during last couple of years, have been doing Kremlin propaganda, for which now I am very ashamed,” she concluded.

In related news, Russian journalist Maria Baronova quit her prestigious job as the editor-in-chief of Russia Today, a state-run media outlet. “If I chose to be with Russia, this does not mean that I should walk in a totalitarian system, be silent or, for example, rejoice that the regime, which I do not want for my country, is being exported somewhere else,” Baronova wrote last week.