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Bill Maher Warns Democrats Will Lose In November Due To Becoming “Goofier”

While HBO host Bill Maher has been known for his liberal views when it comes to politics, he recently sat down with podcaster Joe Rogan to discuss a plethora of topics. Being a commentator for the comings and goings in D.C., Rogan questioned Maher on his stance on the current climate within the Democratic Party. While surprising, Maher not only admitted that he isn’t more conservative, the left is just “goofier”, he also pointed to a dismal midterm elections for the Democrats due to their outlandish views. 

Trying to explain the wild change America is undergoing, Maher said, “I think it’s because we are both seen as people who are common-sensical. And that is what there is a hunger for, I think, in America more than anything, is common sense. Away from the extremes. People say to me, ‘Don’t you think you’ve gotten more conservative?’ No, I haven’t. The Left has gotten goofier. So, I seem more conservative, maybe. But like, it’s not me who changed. I feel I’m the same guy, but five years ago we hadn’t spent $6 trillion to stay home. I mean, I understand we had to do something with the pandemic. I’m not sure… we didn’t spend a trillion to bail out the economy in 2008.”

The host added, “Five years ago, no one was talking about abolishing the police. There was no talk about pregnant men. I mean, looting was still illegal. So, like have I changed? No, because if someone had said 20 years ago ‘I’m not sure looting is a bad thing,’ I would’ve opposed it then. So, I haven’t changed.”

Using an example of how delusional the left has become, Maher focused on Disney, which he claimed was one of the most gay-friendly places around, being attacked by the woke mob. “I mean Disney, one of the most gay-friendly companies that we’ve had in a very long time .Corporations, I think yes, are always going to want to… Look, I am glad they are progressive thinking, but of course like everything on the Left these days, they just take it too far.”