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Transgender First Grade Teacher Tells Children Doctors Assign Gender And Can Get It Wrong [VIDEO]

With both gender identity and sexual orientation being taught in schools becoming such a hot topic in America, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis decided to pass the Parental Rights in Education bill, which banned both subjects from being taught to kindergarteners through third grade. Labeling it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, the left blasted the Republican for attacking the LGBTQ community. Not only using words, a transgender first grade teacher named, Ray Skyer, admitted that he informs his students that doctors decide their gender at birth and sometimes they are “wrong”. 

Detailing his agenda to misinform students in a Facebook video, the teacher said, “So something that’s really cool and unique about who I am is that I am transgender… So when babies are born, the doctor looks at them, and they make a guess about whether the baby is a boy or girl based on what they look like. And most of the time that guess is 100% correct; there are no issues whatsoever. But sometimes the doctor is wrong; the doctor makes an incorrect guess. When a doctor makes a correct guess, that’s when a person is called cisgender. When a doctor’s guess is wrong that’s when they are transgender.” 

Skyer added, “So I’m a man, but when I was a baby, the doctors told my parents I was a girl. And so my parents gave me a name that girls typically have and bought me clothes that girls typically wear, and until I was 18 years old everyone thought I was a girl. And this was super, super uncomfortable for me because I knew that wasn’t right. The way I like to describe it is like wearing a super-itchy sweater. The longer you wear it the itchier it gets, and the only way to make the itching stop is to have everyone see and know the person that you really are. So when I was 18, I told my family and my friends that I’m really a boy, and it was like this huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, and I had the freedom to be who I truly am. And even though this experience is super-challenging sometimes … it made me the person I am, and I’m super-proud to be transgender.”

As for the students he teaches, Skyer admitted, “Whenever there are bills introduced targeting trans youth, we always hear the argument that these laws are “protecting” their peers and “preventing confusion.” At this point, I’ve had many conversations with many young children (I’m a 1st grade teacher) about what being transgender is and never once have I been met with any fear or confusion. I’ve even been the recipient of a group hug! Children just get it, it’s as simple as that.”